What to do when someone (or yourself) greens out?

What to do when someone (or yourself) greens out?

What is greening out?

I am sure, if you are new to the world of green, this is something many fear happening or you are probably Googling to find a solution to your current-problem, so I am now going to shut up and continue. “Greening out,” a common term used amongst the reefer community, refers to the experience of consuming too much cannabis, or mixing cannabis with other substances, typically resulting in symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, anxiety, and sometimes even vomiting. The term "greening out" may stem from the color green often associated with cannabis.

Consuming a high dose of THC, consuming cannabis with high amounts of nicotine (tobacco), or consuming cannabis with alcohol, can lead to unpleasant and overwhelming effects. These symptoms may include an increased heart rate, paranoia, and a general feeling of discomfort. It's important to note that greening out is not considered life-threatening, but it can be an uncomfortable and distressing experience.

What are the symptoms of  greening out?

Nausea and Vomiting: Feeling nauseous and, in some cases, vomiting is a common symptom of consuming too much cannabis.

Dizziness and Lightheadedness: Experiencing a sense of dizziness or feeling lightheaded is another common effect.

Anxiety and Paranoia: High doses of THC can lead to heightened anxiety, paranoia, or a general sense of discomfort.

Increased Heart Rate: Cannabis can cause an elevated heart rate, and consuming too much may exacerbate this effect.

Sweating and Chills: Some individuals may experience sweating or chills as a result of greening out.

Confusion and Disorientation: Excessive cannabis consumption can lead to confusion, disorientation, and impaired cognitive function.

Dry Mouth and Thirst: Dry mouth, often referred to as "cottonmouth," is a common side effect of cannabis use.

Difficulty Concentrating: Cannabis can impair concentration and focus, and consuming too much may make it challenging to stay attentive.

The Negative Effects of Cannabis and Tobacco Mixing That No one Talks About

In all honesty, this isn’t spoken about enough. And to be honest, we all know it will probably not be a topic of conversation unless the entire billion dollar tobacco industry falls tomorrow, but mixing tobacco with cannabis is extremely harmful and often ruins the effect of cannabis.

A recent study suggests, found that mixing tobacco and cannabis can inhibit our memory receptors to make them smaller and less dense. Even though it minimized the size of the hippocampus region of the brain, when participants mixed canna with tobacco their memory improved.

On the other hand, another study (Chandni Hindocha, UCL Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit) explains, “There's a persistent myth that adding tobacco to cannabis will make you more stoned, but we found that actually, it does nothing to improve the subjective experience.” This study found that while tobacco helped the memory, despite the smaller size of the hippocampus, tobacco also increased their heart rate and increased their blood pressure.

So we either choose a smaller memory while smoking a pure canna joint or have a great memory while smoking with tobacco but an increased possibility of cardiovascular issues or panic attacks. Pick your poison. All-in-all, these findings show us the risk of what type of substances we smoke and how they could affect someone. For example, if you have generalised anxiety, maybe try cannabis without tobacco first.

How to prevent greening out?

To avoid greening out, individuals are advised to start with low doses of cannabis, especially if they are new to using it or if they are trying a product with higher potency. It's also essential to be aware of individual tolerance levels and to consume cannabis in a comfortable and controlled environment. 

If someone does experience greening out, the general recommendation you see all over the internet is to “rest, stay hydrated, and allow the effects to subside gradually.” However, this advice is ill-knowledged and often the effects will last much longer if one does not know what to do properly to remove the effects.  Just like modern-medicine, sometimes the answer is right in front of you in your kitchen cabinets. If symptoms persist or worsen, seeking medical attention may be necessary.

To properly prevent greening out:

  1. Start slow and low; allowing yourself to understand how a strain or additive could effect you is to start with less and increase after 20 min to an hour if you think you can handle more.
  2. Drink and eat sugary beverages or food; Blood pressure along with a new substance means allowing the body energy. This could mean having a nice large meal and tall glass of juice to lessen the possibility of greening out or having a panic attack on weed.
  3. Prepare small snacks for the sesh; If you are at the sesh and there are no refreshments around, just the idea might be unbearable, so make sure to have snacks prepared just in case.

What to do if you or someone you know greens out?

These next steps are just suggestions, as we are not writing from a scientific approach. These practices are not tested and you are at your own risk, BUT as a longtime indulger, I have found a few tricks.

  • Chew on peppercorn
  • peppercornn

    This is a gross one, BUT nonetheless, you are in a dire situation where you probably want solace. "How bad do you want it," "and whats in your fridge," are the first questions to ask yourself.

  • Eat a sweet treat
  • macarons


    Obviously, you don't need to have cute French macarons laying around to solve this problem. Anything sugary will do, and this could be an apple or that Kit Kat in the cupboard.


    •     Eat a Teaspoon of Honey


    This goes along the same lines as having a sweet treat except a healthier alternative. agave would also work for this, if your'e vegan.


  • Cold water (with a squeeze of lemon/lime) or Juice in rotation
  • lemon water

    Sometimes, the racing feelings your'e experiencing could be due to lack of hydration. Drink up and lay back. All things end in time.

  • Drink on a lemon slice or juice
  • lemons

    Or you could go straight to the source and have a shot of citrus.


    Overall, this experience will go away in time and if you feel like you need more attention, call your local medical inquiry line for further help.


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